5 simple steps to revive the joy of life and appreciate every day.

Life is truly wonderful and remarkable in all sorts of ways… when you see it. Though it’s quite simple to keep a lasting joy of life, it’s also easy to forget sometimes as we get distracted or consumed by anything and everything that doesn’t meet our expectations.

Question to Paul: “I told my husband how I wish my legs looked more beautiful than they do, and he just said to me “They work, don’t they?” That seems a little callous, even hurtful.”

Paul’s reply:

Your husband is correct, in essence. I know of a young Canadian man who found immense fulfillment and personal achievement by climbing Mount Kilamanjaro in Tanzania, Africa — the world’s highest free-standing mountain — using only his hands… because he has no legs.

Losing sight of the wonderful things already in our lives is very easy.

And it’s a fantastic feeling to recover your appreciation of life again… without actually doing anything except changing your mind.

It’s vital to remain mindful of the things we DO have reason to appreciate in our lives — such as a strong and healthy body, or enough food on the table — things we might normally forget and take for granted. Besides teaching us a healthy humility, it gives us the opportunity to rise above fixation on the limiting, ego level of our existence, thereby enabling us to evolve and learn and grow into a hands-on experience of self Power, authentic Wisdom, and Unconditional Love.

Here are 5 simple steps to help you magnetize joy and fulfillment as you go about your own daily life:

1. Appreciate intensely what you have and what you do love. Be consistent, persistent with that appreciation.

2. Completely ignore what you DON’T want to fill your life with. Be consistent, persistent with that.

3. Recognize, acknowledge and celebrate every time something you appreciate happens or comes into your life. (NOT saying or thinking such things as “What a coincidence” or “I wish that happened earlier” or “I hope that happens again.”)

4. Acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate unconditionally when desirable things happen in other people’s lives. (NOT saying or thinking “I wish that happened for me” or “Why don’t I get those opportunities?”)

5. Help others find fulfillment and achieve their aims. And celebrate their happiness and achievements with them.

In that way, you’ll begin to see life as the joyful journey and experience it’s meant to be. Plus, it brings the lasting fulfillment and peace we all seek deep within.

Appreciating what IS already in your life is a very important step in attracting and welcoming the abundance, understanding, peace, health, power, prosperity and Love that fuel and support happiness throughout your life.


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