When in doubt… What to do, in 3 simple steps.

Have you ever tried to figure out or decide what’s ‘right’ or ‘good’, or what you should do or must do? Well, relax — you can stop immediately!

QUESTION to Paul: “I’m not sure if I’m being in my integrity — I see a situation in front of me and feel torn between different courses of action. I don’t know the right way.”

PAUL’s reply:

Being in your integrity means doing what’s in your heart, what resonates, what’s deeply true to you right there and then in the moment; what feels like a true ‘fit’ for you. It is not a matter of doing what’s good or right, mainly because the truth is, there is no right or good action to choose, there’s only action.

WHY you make your choice and HOW is what matters, not what you choose.

Why? The reason…

All we’re meant to do is experience life… and learn from it so that our experience of life becomes a more vivid manifestation of Unconditional Self Love — more fulfilling, empowering, uplifting, enriching, enlightening, joyous…

How? The method…

1. Be true to yourself in your actions, without compromise (not just what you think you should do).

2. Ask yourself “What did I learn from that experience that helps me understand myself and life? What did I learn that will make it clearer for me, more empowering, healthier, self loving, enriching?

3. Commit there and then to a course of action you’ll take next time, in light of what you just learned. Action simply shows the Universe what you actually learn.

That’s the enlightened, spiritually-responsible process. The mindset of “How will I know what’s right or good or best or acceptable?” just locks you into the mass diseased consciousness of fear and control, limitation and loss of self.

Your self-truth is what’s vital. Truth will always bring healing, rather than untruths which only prolong pain.

Be your truth and you’ll be the healer.

It’s time for you to break out and do what feels deeply important to YOU, and allow the rest of the world to respond in the way that’s true to them.


The ‘Quick Start Guide’ to a more fulfilling life…


Prioritize to magnetize the life you’ll love.